Friday, 2 January 2015

LO1 Notes

  • Purpose-
  1. Promote-selling an artist or a band
  2.  Entertainment. Include two sentences for promotion
  • Form- The form of this video is a music video, also include the name of the song and the artist that performs it along with the album its from (if you can). The visuals match the audio (Andrew Goodwin 1992)
  • Content and Meaning- 3/4 Mise En Scene (Locations, Costumes, Props, Gestures, Natural Lighting or Low Key Lighting) , A Camera work technique (1 Shot Types for close ups and 1 locations, 1 Camera movement either high angle or low angle and Angles: Pan, Tracking, tilt), Sound: 1 diegetic, 1 non diegetic, Editing (Action match to show one movement in multiple shots, shot reverse shot structure to show a conversation, Cross cutting to change locations at the same time, Eyeline match, Jump cutting,  . 
  • Genre- What type of music video it is?
  • Audience

 Music matching the visuals (Jumpcutting)
Iconography-Low budge performance base, location urban       environments, Groups of people, Costumes, Black and white filter
Locations- rooftops, streets, basketball courts
Close ups of faces and gestures

Mise en scene locations/performance space, costumes, iconography of instruments/jewellery .

Cameraworkclose up of the artist/ lead singer (voyeuristic), group shots of band

Editingjumpcutting to match the beat of the music/  black and white filter for indie videos

Soundnon diegetic

meaning- Denotation and Connotation (Link connotations to the genre and talk about the effect on the audience. relate to the audience)
'Ideal partner'- Carl Rodgers (1980)
Richard Dyer (1975) 'Star Persona'
Stereotypes and how people are represented

REMINDER: This only a pass piece of work, therefore  you only need 2-3 examples per heading.

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