Friday, 16 January 2015

LO2: Contingencies

Due to the lighting around the Park Hill area we have decided to change the location of the shoot to Millhouses Park. This is because we believe that this location will have the better lighting that we require to achieve our desired shot. I also believe that the lighting around this area will be best for the camera's contrast due to the fact that Park Hill was quite a high point up of the city meaning the natural lighting isn't as high as we desired.

I also believe that in terms of locational content, Millhouses Park has more content than Park Hill flats. This should make the location more unique than the other location we originality decided to shoot at.

Incase of anything  going wrong with this location we have to create some contingencies, these are used to help ensure we have a back up plan incase our plan goes wrong.

I think the best contingency plan in terms of the location is to ensure that we find another environment that closely.

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